Page 19 - Intel - Powering Innovation to scale
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  Brands capture customers’ conscious response through surveys and feedback forms. However,
95 percent of human decision-making is subconscious in nature, including behavioral and cognitive parameters that are difficult to capture.
Entropik’s Affect Lab enables brands to capture the emotional response of customers towards brand communication. Till date, it has captured over 16 million unique human emotions data and 20,000+ videos to tailor experiences that resonate with customers.
A leading media broadcaster in India used Affect Lab’s Emotion Tech to identify the right trailer from a list of trailers for its soon-to-be-launched multi-lingual series and optimized it to drive high emotional engagement with the target audience. This helped them save more than USD 3 million in a single promotional campaign and increase viewership by 18 percent.
Entropik Tech leveraged Intel’s software toolkits and hardware platforms to deploy complex AI algorithms at scale and process 2 million video minutes every day for emotion prediction to drive consumer insights.
      Entropik Tech helps brands measure the cognitive and emotional responses of consumers towards content or product experiences.

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