Page 23 - Intel - Powering Innovation to scale
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  As Quantum Computers evolve, they can break even mathematics-based encryption techniques, which means hackers are using the “Harvest Now and Decrypt Later” attack, where the encrypted data is stored to decrypt later.
QNu is a pioneer in quantum cryptography and has built products to generate random keys of the highest level and distribute it across channels, this prevents man-in-the- middle attacks and data thefts due to phishing and malware.
One of the QNu’s customers in defense has implemented their solution to automate the process of exchanging ciphers and improving security. This will help them save billions of dollars over the next few years, while assuring them a quantum advantage in times of adversity.
QNu Labs has leveraged the best minds at Intel in evolving their product to support all types of communication channels. They use Intel®️ Xeon processors along with Intel®️ FPGA accelerators to improve the performance of their solution by 3x.
      QNu Labs uses quantum principles to make data future-proof from man-in-the-middle attacks and data thefts.

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