Page 33 - Intel - Powering Innovation to scale
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   From radiologists who diagnose diseases through ultrasound, to viewers of OTT platforms, end-users have had to make do with substandard visual imagery due to limitations in internet bandwidth and infrastructure with the industry focusing on delivery, rather than the quality of delivery.
Orbo, with its sustainable Super Resolution technology, scales low- quality visual content to high resolution 4K in real-time on the edge device instead of the cloud, thereby enabling 35 percent cost savings on Content Delivery Network while also providing an enhanced customer experience.
Studies show that high-quality video consumption has a negative impact on the environment. Orbo’s Super Resolution technology, with its focus on sustainable programming with edge computing, can help businesses significantly bring down the dependencies on power-guzzling data centers.
While building its Super Resolution technology, Orbo used Intel software toolkits and hardware platforms to achieve 2.5x performance boost and a 4x reduction in the hardware cost.
      Orbo’s real-time super resolution can convert any low- resolution video to 1080p or 4K at the edge

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