Page 35 - Intel - Powering Innovation to scale
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  The global logistics and retail industry sorts more than 100 billion parcels every year and the number is expected to double in five years. However, automating existing sorting systems requires large capex, significant increase in floor area and installation time. Unbox Robotics’ scalable and flexible vertical parcel sorting robotic system can be deployed 10x faster and improves personnel productivity by over 400 percent in less than 50-70 percent of the area taken by existing systems.
Unbox Robotics leverages a range of Intel processors to build a reliable and scalable robotics solution.
    In early trials with a leading eCommerce and logistics player in India, Unbox Robotics’ solution demonstrated an increase in productivity by 5X (up from 90 to 450 packages sorted/hour), floor area reduction by 70-80 percent and reduction in operations costs by
45-65 percent.
  Unbox Robotics is building a robotics platform that enables logistics players to automate and radically improve its operations on-demand, resulting in a 50 - 70 percent reduction in floor area and 40 percent reduction in capex

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